JFK’s 100th Birthday
This year marks JFK’s 100th birthday, had he lived. John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States of America.
The Kennedy family are a fascinating part of a American history and politics, and their story has most recently been portrayed on the big screen in ‘Jackie’, a feature film focusing on the First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9pW3B8Ycc4
The film is structured around an interview that Jackie held with a Life magazine reporter at the Kennedy family compound at Hyannis Port after JFK was assassinated. Below is an HD aerial of the Kennedy Compound from our collection.
It was a home of JFK, his parents and his siblings, as he was growing up. After JFK was elected, it became his presidential retreat. The compound is now a National Historic Landmark.
Search our HD aerial footage archive: https://www.skyworks-stock.com/
Picture of JFK’s Face by j4p4n (w/o endorsement) from OpenClipart – https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/